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2004-03-20 - -
2004-03-09 - The Outing
2004-02-26 - I LOVE RAF MISSION
2004-02-12 - Oh I Love the Way You!
2004-02-12 - Update or What the hell? as some might think
2004-02-03 - Mission: Halbut! & Concert
2004-01-27 - It Was All Yellow
2004-01-26 - Sorry...
2004-01-21 - Love Will Tear Us Apart
2004-01-19 - The BUS RIDE!!!~
2004-01-15 - Last Year: Freshman Year
2004-01-14 - Couldn't Focus
2004-01-13 - We Can Have This Dance
2004-01-12 - A FIRE?
2004-01-11 - The Weekend
2004-01-11 - Need to Update...sorry
2004-01-08 - Daily Life
2004-01-07 - A Japanese Story
2004-01-06 - The Beginning

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